Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Oscar Predictions

I'd like to dedicate this post to my late, dear friend, Michael V. Vacca, Jr., who would always call me on Oscar morning to wish me a:  "Happy Oscar Day!" -- I know he's still watching the Oscars with me from up above and I can still hear him giggling when some of the cheesy Best Song Nominees are performed.  Michael, you're missed by so many every single day, but on Oscar day, I know that you are never, ever too far away.  Happy Oscar Day, my friend. 

Every year at Oscar time, I try to use a little bit of history, a touch of common sense, and some lucky guesses to try to predict who will take home the gold on Oscar night.  In what is probably one of the toughest years in recent history when it comes to making Oscar predictions, I will do my best to get the ball rolling and see how my process of elimination will work on my predictions this time around.  I'm going to start right at the top of the main categories and work my way down.  For the sake of keeping this as concise as I can, I will refrain from listing all the nominees and concentrate solely on those titles that I think will stand a chance at copping one of those naked statuettes.

The Revenant
Despite the 'late in the game' PGA win that may have pulled The Big Short into a legitimate spot of hope and the 'up until an hour ago' feeling that Spotlight would be crowned at the top of the class, I'm going to put my money (the virtual bucks, of course) on The Revenant.  I think that Alejandro G. Inarritu (sorry, but I don't know how to get all of those accents and symbols going on his name) is the Academy's new John Ford, in terms of being a favorite, and his DGA win should ease the wind right at the back of his sail on this go-around as well.  If I had my way, I'd give the top prize to Brooklyn, and while I'm still trying to figure out what character to root for or care about in Mad Max: Fury Road, don't be surprised if suddenly, this 'desert rose' pulls another 'Crash' when all is said and done.

Alejandro G. Inarritu - The Revenant
Yes, it would be his second consecutive win and only George Miller would be able to deny that joy for the talented Revenant director.  McCarthy and McKay would only be upsets if their respective films would somehow rack up a sweep chain or if the Academy got McCrazy.

Leonardo DiCaprio - The Revenant
If anyone is thinking otherwise here, please think again.  I still think he was way better in The Wolf of Wall Street, but his already legendary bear fight will be remembered as the one that wins him the gold.  Possible upset would be Michael Fessbender - Hollywood loves Apple... and to Matt Damon we can only say:  "How do you like them apples?"  (Also, distant upset could come from Cranston... but nah... not this year!)

Brie Larson - Room
Her's is not so much a performance as it is an embodiment.  The runner up would be Saoirse Ronan, who would also be my personal choice, since her understated and subtle turn is the very essence of grace and style.  Only upset possibility would be Rampling, who would get it if the Academy were to start handing out 'body of work' prizes throughout the night, which would mean that Stallone would have to definitely win, Miller for directing, John Williams for scoring, and so on...

Sylvester Stallone - Creed
Up until the announcement of the nominees and just hours before the Golden Globes, I would have put all my money on Mark Rylance (Bridge of Spies), but just like the character Stallone plays, he didn't win the 'belt' on the first time around either, but now, we're into the 12th round, and much like Sally Field, Hollywood really likes him... they really really like him.  Watch out for newly trending Ruffalo to potentially piss on this parade.

Alicia Vikander - The Danish Girl
Hollywood may reward her for both The Danish Girl and Ex Machina with this prize, but Winslet is the Sally Field of this category and barring an unlikely Spotlight sweep, chances for Rachel McAdams are pretty slim.  My personal favorite is Jennifer Jason Leigh for The Hateful Eight.  If the Academy used the same measure used for DiCaprio, then Ms. Leigh would win for enduring only a little less than a savage bear attack.

The Big Short
This one should be in the bag, unless the brilliant Brooklyn was to get its just rewards.

Probably a done deal... Such win would also keep the film's chances alive at winning Best Picture, but if the more deserving Inside Out wins this one, then count for this Spotlight to go dark.  Not so secretly rooting for Ex Machina here, although Inside Out would make good sense.

Inside Out
Only Anomalisa can arm-wrestle this in a pinch, but I'm all in for Inside Out.

Son of Saul
Keep a close eye on Mustang to ruin the party if a party were indeed to be ruined.

Considering that the year's two best docs, Listen To Me Marlon and Thao's Library, didn't even get nominated despite being short-listed, then the obvious choice is this extended E True Hollywood Story doc.  Unless Hollywood wants to flip to another unique voice with What Happened, Miss Simone?

Body Team 12
This one pains me to predict because I'd prefer to see my friend Courtney Marsh's film, Chau, beyond the Lines, taking home the gold, but this Team is knocking some bodies down along the way and then there's Claude Lanzmann: Specters of the Shoah also breathing down its neck.  Folks, there's a Shoah in the title and that can pretty much almost secure the upset.

Bear Story
This is a total guess.  I understand that at least three of the nominees can easily win, but I'm sticking with Bear with just hours to go.  Runner up would be Sanjay's Super Team with World of Tomorrow just inches behind.

Again, I'm guessing... and Ave Maria and Stutterer would be the potential dethroners.

The Academy loves costumes for the ball and Sandy Powell, and while she is going against herself for Carol, the potential party spoiler could be coming from Mad Max: Fury Road, especially if a sweep materializes for the desert epic, which is considered the favorite in this category.

Mad Max: Fury Road
Nothing compares to the whiplash insanity present here, except for The Big Short, but ultimately I'm rooting for my old Shooting Gallery acquaintance, Tom McArdle for Spotlight... oh, and if by chance an honest man like McArdle should win, then Spotlight would secure Best Picture, and then they will fear it.  Also, in the event of a huge sweep by The Revenant, then this would be another statuette for that one.

The Revenant
Third time's a charm... Yes, it would be the third consecutive one for Emmanuel Lubezki, unless John Seale beats him to the podium for Mad Max: Fury Road.  Deakins can wait.

The Hateful Eight
Ennio earned it.  Ennio elevated the film to a whole other class.  Ennio deserves it.  Williams already won this one before. Burwell can wait.

"Till It Happens To You" - The Hunting Ground
Lady Gaga is missing an Oscar from her mantle, so she will get this one.  Only the Spectre of Sam Smith's Writing's on the Wall can threaten this.

Mad Max: Fury Road
Here depending on sweep possibilities, Jack Fisk and Harnish Purdy may cut in for The Revenant

Mad Max: Fury Road
End of story.

The Revenant
Keeping in mind that if the film wins Best Picture, it'll also rack up on many of these tech awards.  Only other threat:  Mad Max: Fury Road.

The Revenant
See Sound Editing.

The Revenant
Can anyone say bear fight?  Perhaps here either Star Wars: The Force Awakens can pick one up or Mad Max can add to a potential large tally.

Well, there you have it.  Please join the conversation if you'd like and share your thoughts.  And to all a Happy Oscar Day!

1 comment:

  1. Good Stuff...Best Film I saw was "Brooklyn" but then you knew that, so I would also give the Actress award to Saoirse Ronan, Larson was great but the character development stopped when she got out of the room and then it was the kids film. Mad Max was a conundrum in that it was technically ground breaking and did stuff on screen that has never been seen before.However it was really Furiosa's( Charliez Theron) story with Max just along for the ride. Miller could win every technical award and by committee the best director but a story about a race out to the desert and back is not for everyone. I think Hollywood will reward it socialist friends with a Big Short win. Dicaprio was great for a role where speaking wasn't really important. We will see if Oscar really loves him and Alejandro and Lubezki for the second best film I saw in 2015. It would be awesome if Stallone won for Creed's old Rocky as he nailed it, but then again he IS old Rocky so...I still think Tom Hardy was the best part of The Revenant, Rylance would be my preferred choice over Ruffalo(just dreading his acceptance speech) Danish Girl's Vikander was great with the best on screen male/female chemistry of the year with Eddie Redmayne I also would give Danish Girl best costume but as I'm boycotting this years Oscars because of the lack of both Polish and Italian diversity I will have to read about it tomorrow :)...wait Morricone is Italian and Stallone has roots okay I gonna pretend that Lubezki is polish (actually a mexican/russian jew) Im back in !
